Thursday, 24 July 2008


after a couple of days with non writing i'm back to life in this blog world 15 minutes before i start teaching a class. The late few days i've been working very hard, being very tired, but also very happy because i've got fun people to hang out with. I went to a japanese a couple of days ago and i don't know if i've said this but all restaurants are very cheap to eat in even if they are very nice. I had some very good sushi in this japanese restaurant right and the price was kind of 5 times as cheap compared to the places i've been in Sweden. So to spoil myself i'm now gonna go to this restaurant many times and live as a king in the Sushiland as much as i can. In this way i can be tired of sushi when i get home and then maybe wait a year until next year when i might get here and eat more that time and so on and so on.

Sushi in Sweden is nothing compared to here. Wonder how it is in Japan right?

In the weekend i'm going with my father, his future wife and Vidyaya to a "Psychic surgery" up somewhere here in the Philippines. It sounds very creepy because i heard it's extremely Christian and that they do all these weird things on you. anyway gotta go !


Freddifågel said...

Åh vad sugen du gjorde mig på sushi nu! :D
Verkar som du har det skönt där borta iallafall. Vi hörs!

Erik Ahrnbom said...

En psykisk kristen kirurg? Herreminje!
Se upp, här gäller det att inte vara för avog och skeptisk (då kommer du att få halsen avskuren i Kristi namn), inte heller för entusiastisk (då kommer du aldrig hem igen). Hm. Tunn lina att balansera på, alltså - lycka till!
Rå fisk med kallt klibbigt ris ÄR ju gott. Och ännu godare hos dig, förstår jag.

Här är det 30 grader i skuggan. Bara så du vet.

Träffade Sebbe Lidén i går, han ska ut och segla med Göran i veckan.

Såg batman-filmen i dag, Heath Hedger var fantastisk som psykotisk pajas i sjuksköterskeuniform.

Nu ska jag lyssna på deckartalbok.


Balanjo said...

hahaha ni ska bara veta vad som kommer nast.. ;D

Anonymous said...

Hey Benji! I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog; I can't wait to see what's going on in your life =)