Saturday, 26 July 2008

Breaking news!

Yesterday I came back from something you'd either hate, love or just find interesting. The "Psychic surgery" up in the north of this country was in a little village/city with a three storage mall and almost nothing else.

We arrived to the Medium in the simple little chapel on Friday around noon. 20 people were sitting and watching the surgery up on the podium in the front of the chapel. What you could see on this place was first of all before we went inside a family with kids and grandparents sitting around like totally normal people(not that i can define normal but...), a front gate in an alley with a gate door that was in the height of up to my chest. And when we went inside the chapel.. Back to the podium. The "surgery" was already going on when we got in so we just sat our selves down to wait for our turn. Anyway, you could see the podium, on the left side below the stairs up to the podium you could see a sign with rules like: If you have had a spiritual injection during 24 hours do not: Shower or bath, sponge only. No sexual activity for the next 36 days. No cold or sour food, No chicken and beef or any kind of red meat.

Ha ha... I took a shower the morning after.

Up on the podium you could see a desk where the patient was laying to get "healed" surrounded by three people healing the patient. There was one woman who was the actual medium for St. Luke and she was the one doing the main work in the surgery.

The first thing we did when we came in to the chapel was to write our name and something that was bad with our body in a big book. I didn't know what to write because i didn't really know what is wrong with my body so i just wrote: Benjamin Lindh Medin, Back, Stomach.

Then we waited for our turn to get up and get our treatment and finally after one hour it was our turn!

We got up together as a group me, my dad, Jessie and Vijaya and I was first up. The medium lady told me to lay down on the desk and take off my shirt. Then she started moving around her hands on my stomach with oil and tissues. I didn't really understand anything in the beginning because she didn't say anything, but after a while of massaging my stomach she said: Your lever. I went: what about it? And then she didn't answer with more than that it wasn't clean, so she had to clean it. After a period of five minutes she said that i should eat less cholesterol and then she said i was done. I was about to leave, but than another guy sat me down and i got a massage for a couple of minutes then i was able to leave the podium.

I'm not going to tell you what they told all the others because that would take to much time to read, but what i can say is that the medium lady said kind of the same things to them and some more personal. Another thing about what happened to all of us was that they pulled out red colored tissues from the stomach and said it was blood.

During the same day after this we were all a little confused about what just happened, we went to see The Dark Night in this big mall in the middle of nowhere called Magic Mall. It really was a magic mall! The movie was great but what happened during the movie was magic. Three times during this action filled film the whole theater turned black. All the lights went off...

The reason was that it had been raining and storming a lot in this little village/city so that there had been a power cut. You could actually hear the rain more than the movie at some points. Very interesting!

Where we stayed was not important, but it was a very nice simple place in a beautiful tropic area. Very good fish in the restaurant too.

Well well.. The day after we all went back to the faith healer one last time just for a quick in and out thing before we left. We turned out waiting for two hours for our turn. When i got up on that desk for the second time she started the same way as the first day, but this time she didn't do that much. After two minutes she said: Oh interesting! You're clean.
Then she worked a little bit more on the stomach and around the ribcage and then i was done.

Three and a half hour ride to a middle of nowhere somewhere in the Philippines getting a massage for nothing than tip money in a very simple chapel. I'm not going to leave any comments.

You can please leave your comments and tell me what you would think about the whole thing.
Nice experience huh ;) ?

After this whole thing I was very tired and just wanted to sleep when i got home but what to say.. Back to work for two more weeks. This is Tuesday. Please let me here stay where i lay without moving further away on the day.


Freddifågel said...

Det låter som en väldigt flummig uppevelse.. Jag är ofta väldigt skeptisk mot sånt där "övernaturligt" tjaffs..
Jag tror mest att det är bluff och sitter mycket psykiskt.

Mådde du bättre efteråt?


Erik Ahrnbom said...
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Erik Ahrnbom said...

"Oh, you´re clean - interesting!"
Det dunkelt sagda, är det dunkelt tänkta, som någon klok person sa

Och tänk så mycket "energier" som används till att inte få reda på något speciellt alls när man går genom skog och terräng för att träffa en psykisk kirurg.
Och inget sex i 37 dagar och inte kall eller sur mat och inte red meat eller beef eller chicken. Går det bra med vidbrända fläskkotletter då?
Hm. Det mest retliga med allt sånt här är inkonsekvensen, och att ingenting hänger ihop om man bara börjar tänke lite, lite skeptiskt.

Men då får man ofta höra att man är "rädd" och inte vågar "öppna sig".
För vad? Undrar jag då.
Jag tycker att man är orädd när man tänker själv.
Jag menar: varför skulle ens lever vara förgiftad bara för att hon SÄGER det? Det räcker inte. Och att man inte får äta kall mat sedan, eller ha sex. Varför? När det handlar om ens liv och ens kropp vill man ju helst ha tunga fakta på bordet för att acceptera. En vanlig svennebanan-läkare kan ju åtminstone fiska fram ett provsvar med tydliga siffror.

Jag tror att effekten av att jobba mot att tänka ljust och dansa mycket är ungefär tusen gånger starkare.

Så. Dagens predikan är slut.


Allt gott så länge!


Erik Ahrnbom said...

Och visst var han cool, Heath Ledger?

Balanjo said...

nej, jag madde samre hahah hade typ ont i magen fran att dom hade tryckt sa hart mot revbenen med den gratis massage jag fick :p och jag haller med. tycker mest att det ar ratt patetiskt aven fast det kan vara ratt intressant att prova och sen skratta efter vilket var precis vad vi gjorde.

Heath Ledger var fenomenal.

Sen ni bada tva resten svarar jag med att lagga in min egna tanke bakom vad jag tyckte.
