Monday, 16 June 2008

Fort Lauderdale

At first i was very happy about getting here to Fort Lauderdale to do this workshop with my friend and a lot of other teenagers from America. I thought that the workshop was going to be about making a musical and work hard for three weeks and then do two shows on this.

The first day when i got here i was very excited. I got to the campus and in to the dorms where i'm staying now. My dormroom is very big. It was very surprising to see that they gave me one big suite with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Everybody else got one room each and is sharing the suites.

This is good, that I have one suite for my self with no one else in it. Kind of unfare isn't it? Someone should be able to get one of the rooms that i'm not using.

Me and my friend so called Wanna are very bored of this place and we think we're dying. The workshop started today and i think it was the most silly day of our lives. Everybody were just playing around with different games getting to know each other and most of the time we were just sitting there like dikes wondering what the hell was going on. We didn't know anyone exept our precious song teacher Maria from Sweden. I thought we were going to dance today but once we got to the dance part...

We warmed up with some stretches and after maybe fifteen minutes it was over. Both me and Wanna definetly hope the day is going to be more exciting tomorrow and through the week or else I don't know what i'll do.

The travel to the US was quite funny. I had to take of my shoes around three times and i mean that was only on JFK new york airport. I also had to do it once in London hah wasn't that something? Why not just take of our clothes so that they can see if we didn't wrap any drugs around our bodies?

The city is very nice thou. It's like this very american city where all the malls are spread out all over the city with no typical center. Yesterday we on the campus went to the biggest grossery store i ever been to. It was almost as big as a football court and they were selling everything there is in foodway plus a lot of clothes and even big tv:s. Crazy crazy US and A.

I'm already starting to get a bit homesick, but i hope everything during this summer's gonna be all right.

Talk to ya soon =)

Super B


RAM said...

Hey Super B.

Sorry to hear your course has not really kicked off according to expectations, but then again life never really is. But hey young man, you've traveled a long way for this and felt in your beautiful heart that it was right so give it some time and i'm sure things will brighten up a bit as the days go by. At least you have a good place to stay, worthy of the young prince you are! Seriously if things get really bad maybe you should just take charge a little and come up with some good ideas of what you guys could be doing? Time is precious and your only there for three and a half weeks so if they can't get their act together, make some suggestions. I'm sure you'll be able to hussle up something that will be presentable in no time.

Ok enough said, give it some time and try to see the up of things rather than be caught in a downer.

But seriously if it gets really bad Jessie says you can come and hang out with her down in Tampa for a couple of days and be her date at a wedding.

Peace young man, and keep it steady,


Erik Ahrnbom said...

Hej kära Benjamin!
Synd att du fick en sådan start. Men jag instämmer med din far. Låt det inte dra ner dig. Ge det ett par dagar så kanske saker och ting faller på plats och känns bättre. Tänk igenom vad du kan bidra med och se det som en utmaning i stället. Vi finns här om du behöver oss. Kul att läsa din blogg! Saknar dig också!
Puss och Kram, Mamma

Erik Ahrnbom said...

Trist att det inte tog fart som du ville - men, then again, och som din andra sagt fore mig, det är bara borjan och min erfarenhet är att alla kurser startar med typ "hej, jag heter Knut Hemlin, nu kastar jag en boll till dig - vad heter du?" - ovningar. Sen blir det alltid mer seriost. Ha lite talaomd och ge det lite tid, sa hittar du nog en plats. Efter ett tag kan du nog luska ut hur du kan fa ut mest av kursen och hos vem och var du ska kunna tanka hem mest kunskap.
Se det som en erfarenhet ur alla aspekter.
En sista sak bara: vilken bra engelska du skriver! Drivet och elegant. Impad!
Taenk paa att hela varlden kan laesa bloggar, bara. Om du vill anvanda den till att skriva av dig frustrationer (vilket du absolut kan gora) kan det haenda att "fel" personer laeser. Ett tips fran en gammal bloggare som ibland gick for langt och fick aeta upp orden senare. Det smakade inte alltid godis.
Tanker på dig!

Allt gott.

Balanjo said...

tack for tipsen ska tanka pa det !